State of the League

Week 3 has begun! 5 games until the playoffs!
SBHieroglyphic Honkies (Khemri)12703-1-1
AustinYoloin Biatches (Amazons)15103-1-0
SeanSorin's Team (Halflings)11503-2-0
AliseKillogg's (Amazons)11903-1-0
JeffInvalid team name! (Orcs)11302-2-0
PiRuby for Vigor (High Elves)14402-2-1
MojoTurtle Turtle (Lizardmen)11301-3-0

Thursday, May 23, 2013


... the all-new all-fantastic Blood SBowl All Time Hall of Fame! Now the league can forever remember the standout performances of the fastest runners, sharpest passers, most brutal murderers, and of course the coaches who drive them to these feats of madness. Don't see your name up there as much as you would like? Well, play better, you baddie. If Aaron can top the leaderboards, anyone can.

Look at that.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Announcing Blood SBowl Season 3!

The ancient fields lay dry and bloodless, the stands creak emptily in the howling winds, and the shadow of an iron-fisted tyrant looms over the kingdom. One among you will drive the villain SB from his throne... but who?

We'll find out soon, because the third season of the Blood SBowl league will begin some time during the evening on TUESDAY, MAY 14TH! As always, the league will have a single-round-robin regular season followed by a cut to a top 4 single-elimination playoff. The expected match frequency is one per week, rolling over early if all games are completed (and, of course, exceptions can be made for extenuating circumstances). Any team will be accepted, so put on your gear, practice your murdering skills on some people that you don't care about, and maybe teach your players how to handle the ball.

We'll see you on the pitch!